Hammerhead at Gordo Banks

15th January

The day’s diving expeditions offered a diverse range of experiences, from vibrant underwater ecosystems teeming with fish to thrilling encounters with shy hammerhead sharks. Despite the differences between the two dives, each provided its own unique insights into the dynamic and ever-changing underwater world. The day concluded with happy and fulfilled divers, reflecting on the beauty and wonder of the ocean’s depths.

Diving Conditions

  • Water temperature: 72F 
  • Visibility: 60ft 
  • Current: mid SE current

Wildlife Encounters

  • Lots of fish 
  • Hammerheads

19th January

The dives at Gordo 1 provided divers with a unique and memorable underwater experience, characterised by dynamic visibility conditions and the enchanting presence of whales. Despite the temporary reduction in visibility beyond 50 feet, divers were rewarded with clear waters beyond, allowing for immersive exploration of the underwater realm. The encounters with whales added an extra layer of excitement and wonder, highlighting the rich biodiversity and natural beauty of Gordo 1’s marine ecosystem.

Diving Conditions

  • Water temperature: 72F 
  • Visibility: max 80ft 
  • Current: no report

Wildlife Encounters

  • Humpback whales

24th January

The dives at Gordo 2 and Gordo 1 offered divers unforgettable experiences, from thrilling encounters with hammerhead sharks to the tranquil serenade of singing whales. Despite varying levels of marine life activity, each dive provided unique insights into the rich biodiversity and natural beauty of the underwater world. The day concluded with happy and fulfilled divers, reflecting on the awe-inspiring encounters and cherished memories shaped during their underwater adventures

Diving Conditions

  • Water temperature: 72F 
  • Visibility: 45ft
  • Current: light west current

Wildlife Encounters

  • Hammerheads
  • Whales at the surface

29th January

The dives at Gordo 1 provided divers with unparalleled experiences, from encountering majestic whales to witnessing the breathtaking sight of hundreds of hammerhead sharks. Despite the varying currents and conditions, each dive revealed the remarkable beauty and diversity of the underwater world. The day concluded with awe-inspired divers, reflecting on the extraordinary encounters and cherished memories forged during their underwater adventures at Gordo 1.

Diving Conditions

  • Water temperature: 75F
  • Visibility: 100ft 
  • Current: Little current at the surface then NE at the bottom

Wildlife Encounters

  • Whales
  • Lots of hammerheads